Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Todays Workout

So I mentioned that I would update how my workout went. Well it went pretty good. On the warm up I was sore though. It may have been from rollerblading and my new medicine ball routine. Well here is the update:
4x400s w/1:20-1:30 break between each
2 min jog
5 minute tempo
2 minute jog
4x400s w/ 1:20-1:30 rest
2 minute jog
5 minute tempo
2 minute jog
4x400s w/ 1:15 break

Monday, December 20, 2010

16:48 Santa Shuffle

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat please put a penny in the old mans hat. (That was from my mom)
Anyways I decided to run a road race this weekend called the santa shuffle, and I ended up running a personal best time for 3:05 miles. If it had been a full 5k I would have ran 17:04 which would still be a PR! I think my speed is now kicking in after doing several sessions. It is really paying off in my racing! I am excited about that.
Tomorrow I will be doing another tough workout to keep improving my speed.
10 minute tempo
ten minute tempo
(I will let yall know how it goes after I finish (:

Friday, December 17, 2010

En route to sub 5!

Ok so earlier I was talking about how I would get to that point of running under 5 for the mile! Here are some ways I will get there.

-I will continue with my long run to keep up with endurance(I will practice speeding up alot at the end of my long run.

-Strides after every single run

-Drills/ plyo's/ Jump rope to recruit fast twitch fibers (If you don't use it you lose it)

-faster workouts (More fartleks and intervals)

- 8x200Fast/200jog for speed and neuromuscular work.

-eat healthy ( mainly not carrying extra weight)

- Get enough sleep

...Any other tips would be great!! Love yall and have a great day!

I am going to start this before New Years!

Howdy everyone! My name is Lauren. Yesterday my Dad decided to start calling me "Laurun" since I run. Cute right? Well I thought it was. So to get to the point, I decided to use this blog to help organize my life a bit and stick to some of my New Years Resolutions which normally tend to be forgotten after a few weeks. As you can see from my blog I am a runner and a follower of Christ. Both are very important to me and I am trying to grow stronger in faith each day.
  To get back on topic I am about to post some of my New Years resolutions.

#1) Read the Bible everyday (Can't grow stronger in faith if you don't read the Bible.

  2.) Run a Sub 5 mile. I have come close many times. A lot of the time I have been way above pace coming through the 800 in 2:24-2:25.. I think partially I lack confidence...Something I will be working on with my running. I have also added some Plyo's, drills, and speed work. These will all help significantly.

3.) add 10 minutes of strength training after every run. I have pretty much already started this one and stayed on track! yay!

I will post more later. G2G for now! Hope to hear some responses.